I had a busy month. I really enjoy being busy. I love to work. I will do anything for kibble. I don’t get as much cause I got a little chunky!
My hooman took me out a lot this month. I got to go to dinner with her and 5 of her friends. I was a good boy cause we were there for soooo long! I also got to go to the mall lots of times. I went with my friend Scarlet. The first time I went with Scarlet I wasn’t very good, cause I just wanted to play with her. BUT I learnt if I walk nicely, I get way more kibble.
My hooman took me out one day to an appointment and then to the bank. The bank took soooo long. My hooman forgot to bring kibble, but I was a good boy and didn’t get mad at her and behaved really well (she said).
I also like my bed! I get to go in my kennel most afternoons and sleep on my bed after dinner until I am allowed to go to bed!
Submitted by: Karen