
Hello, I hope you all had a happy holiday season. I sure did. I went and saw Santa, and I let him know what I wanted for Christmas, more toys & treats, of course.

I went to school for a day, and there was a fire drill that was a first for me, but I did well. I spent a night with sitter Carrie & Darren and their dog Sprout. Mom & dad went to a big birthday party and said it wouldn’t be a good place for me. I had so much fun, and I didn’t mind not going to the party.

I’ve had a few play dates. One of them was with PADS Edith & Sierra. We walked around Lafarge Lake and looked at all the pretty lights.

Our class had a Christmas party, trainer Nicole had the humans play a game, and my dad ended up with a new leash called a long line. Mom & dad said this is a good leash for me since my recall isn’t the best right now. Nicole also made treat bags for all of us doggos, and we’re so lucky.

PADS Nana, who’s in advanced training, came to stay with us for the holidays. Mom & dad were so excited, we’ve had so much fun together, and I’m going to miss her.

We got lots of snow, and Nana & I had a great time playing in it till it got heavy and slushy. Mom says snow should stay in the mountains and is glad it’s gone.

My cousin Berkeley stayed here for a couple of nights over Christmas, Nana & I tried to play with him, but he did not want to play with us, his loss.

Christmas was great, Santa listened. I guess it’s cause I’ve been such a good girl!! We had a quiet NYE, and I’m looking forward to new adventures in 2023.

Happy New Year!

Miss Sassy Pants

Submitted by: Alison