
Hi, happy spring, it’s been a very busy month.

Mom & I have been doing lots of training at parks, malls, coffee shops and pet stores. I’ve been to a couple of sitters, one cause mom & dad went to the Rugby Sevens, and they said it was too long of a day for me, and it’s crazy with all the people. It was fun at the sitter, and I got to see my sister Cela, and we look a lot alike.

We did go to a Canucks game. We got tickets from someone called the “ticket fairy.” The concourse was packed with people, and mom was worried I was going to get stepped on, and she kept giving me kibble, so I stayed focused on her till we got to our seats. It was really loud, lights were flashing, and music was playing every time the Canucks scored, which was a lot that night. It got even louder. Mom & dad took me to go to the bathroom between periods and then right back to our seats. The Canucks were winning, so after the second period, we left while I was doing well. It was a big night for me, and I slept all the way home and went right to bed when I got home.

Mom & dads first PADS dog Dory stayed with us for a week. She didn’t have much to do with me, and as you can see, I did get to cuddle her.

I went to Sabrina & Leanne’s for a couple of days. They have PADS Copper, and mom & dad wanted to go to the cabin, it’s in the states, and I can’t go until a month after my rabies shot. I did get my shot in the middle of the month, so I’ll be able to go with them soon. I had fun, and Copper is a very well-behaved girl.

Dad was away for a week, and mom & I kept busy and worked on my staying in the kennel for longer periods. I love my kennel, and this gave mom a chance to go and do things on her own.

I went to Douglas College for the afternoon, and they said I was so good, I get to go back next month for the whole day.

We had a “walk & talk” with our trainer Nicole. It was at an outdoor mall, and unfortunately, it snowed & rained on us, so we got pretty wet. We did go into a few stores to practice things. It’s good for Nicole to see how I’m doing and tell us things we need to work on.

We’ve had some really nice warm days, and we meet other PADS raisers and their dogs for training walks, and we get outside when we can.

As I said, it’s been a busy month; bye for now.


Submitted by: Alison