Maia was being raised and trained to provide life-changing independence to someone with a physical disability other than visual impairment or to work with a professional such as a teacher, psychologist or victim services worker to help support a healthy community.

After careful consideration, Maia was released from the Puppy Raising Program. Unfortunately, Maia’s allergies makes her unsuitable for a career as a working dog. She will hopefully be settling into a new home shortly as a pampered pet. We hope that she enjoys the pet life! Thanks to everyone who had a part in Maia’s journey. All the best to you, Maia!


Breed:Labrador Retriever (Female)

Birthdate:November 01, 2022

Dam:PADS Camper

Sire:Guide Dogs of America's Kenobi

Puppy-Raisers:Alison & Ian Stuart | previously raised by Sahej Grewal

Whelping Home:Dorothy & Kevin Root

Litter:PADS Seven Sisters Litter