Hi, happy fall!
Great news, I finished my heat so no more house arrest, Mom says it was the easiest & fastest heat she’s dealt with, I say, easy for you, not so fun for me.
I did get to do some new & fun things this month, I went to college, mom says it’s not “doggy college, it’s Dougie college”. Douglas College has a vet tech program and they like to practice on PADS dogs so I spent the whole day there, the girls said I was so good and even fell asleep in the kennel. Mom had the day to herself which she quite enjoyed and I get to go again.
We practiced working on dog distraction in class, that’s something most of us need to work on. Mom and me and Captain and his raiser got together at IKEA one day and then at a pet store another day. I have to say, these are two pretty distracting places, we have lots of work to do.
Mom comes from a big family and two weeks in a row we had her sisters and their husbands come from Edmonton to visit. We went to the cabin which means we also went shopping at Trader Joe’s and a couple of other stores. Mom met a woman in Trader Joe’s who has released PADS Edith, mom knows Edith and the person who raised her, it was pretty cool.
I had a couple of off-leash walks, it felt so good to run loose, I hadn’t done that in so long. Mom practiced my recall, she said I do have really good recall even when I was playing with other dogs. I also had a great walk at Semiahmoo, so many great beach smells and I loved the smell in the air.
It was my human mom’s birthday, and we had a little celebration at the cabin, human dad’s birthday is soon, sounds like another celebration at the cabin and then it’ll be my first birthday, I hope I get to see some of my sisters.
Like I said last month, September wouldn’t be too exciting, but I did get to do some new things though.
Bye for now,
Submitted by: Alison