
Caddy has been a great student in Advanced Training! He shows a great aptitude for training and has overcome a lot of his early struggles. Caddy began training with an aversion to crates and some FOMO. He is now diving into any open crate, thrilled at the chance to earn some more cookies. Caddy is enjoying a training environment full of other dogs, and he has made fast friends. Andre II and Caddy particularly enjoy roughhousing between training sessions and can often be found choosing to nap together snuggled on a dog bed. 

  •  Skills being learned: Proofing obedience, paw vs nose touch, beginning retrieve 
  • Recent field trips: Cabelas, Grocery stores, Walmart 
  • Possible behavior challenges: Impulse Control
  • Advanced training location: West Coast (Satellite)

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Caddy! 

Submitted by: Emma, Advanced Trainer