Handsomeย Caddyย had a productive May! Heโ€™s been staying with various sitters on weekends that have given him some great experiences. And his weekdays have been filled with naps in the sun between full training sessions. He has greatly improved his recall, fitness, and body awareness. Heโ€™s done some mock Public Access Tests, which have helped to pinpoint the skills we need to focus on with him.ย 

  • Skills being learned:ย Interrupters, body blocking, general obedienceย  ย  ย  ย 
  • Recent field trips:ย Lougheed Mall, Willowbrook Mallย 
  • Possible behavior challenges:ย Impulse controlย  ย 
  • Advanced training location:ย West Coast (Satellite)

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Caddy!

Submitted by:ย Emma, Advanced Trainerย