Saturday, February 1, 2025 | Okanagan, Pupdates
Hi Everybody, Well, January was really slow: no warm baking smells, no lights, no big guy in a red suit and no more presents for me. It’s been pretty mild here in the Okanagan, so my people have been taking me out twice a day for recall practice. That means they...
Saturday, February 1, 2025 | Okanagan, Pupdates
Daytime temperatures in January were mild, hovering around zero to 5 Celcius, with not much snow either, which suited us just fine since we were living between two houses and had to shovel both driveways. We finally finished moving into our new house this month....
Saturday, February 1, 2025 | Okanagan, Pupdates
January has been a little quieter, but I have still been busy with lots of training and outings. I am really enjoying my weekly school visits and getting pretty comfortable there. We even had a fire drill this month. There was lots of LOUD noise and movement, but they...
Saturday, February 1, 2025 | Okanagan, Pupdates
We’ve had a pretty quiet month after a busy Christmas. We run errands 3-4 times a week, and Tzar usually has excellent, in-cape behaviour at the stores. We’ve been working on off-leash recall lately, and he does quite well unless there are other dogs...
Wednesday, January 1, 2025 | Okanagan, Pupdates
Hi there. My name is Skaha, and I’m a female Labrador Retriever training to become a Pacific Assistance Dog. I’m living my best puppy life in Kelowna, BC, with my amazing raisers. This is my very first monthly update, and I’m excited to share a little bit about my...
Wednesday, January 1, 2025 | Okanagan, Pupdates
The month before Christmas and all through the house… lots of bustling and preparation going on for the big day. And Kiyoko is a new puppy to us, soaking up everything! After many difficult days of, “I just don’t know what you want me to do here outside! It’s cold out...