Awoo, woof and bork to all my furiends and hoomans. Another month is here, and I did more training and had a few surprises.
As a puppy in training, I am working hard to be the bestest puppy that I can be, and my hoomans help me every day. I have lots of cues to learn, and I know most of them really well, but some I still need help with. The other day we, while we were at the big store, I practiced my “Go in” and worked on ignoring everything going on around me while I stayed still.
My raisers are always looking for different things to challenge me. One nice sunny day, I was all set to go for a walk along our favourite trail. When I got out of my car I noticed there were a whole bunch of big animals watching me. Not only were there big animals, but there was a new dog for us. This was not just any old dog, she was one of my BDF PADS Freya’s buppies. So, I got to meet PADS Rosa. She came all the way from Kelowna to see her mommy and I was excited to show her how we walk on the trail and where the best places were to snoofle and explore. We had a great walk, and our hoomans were soo happy with our excellent behaviour that they treated us to a wonderful pup cup. I had to show Rosa how to eat it because it was her 1st pup cup.
I was glad to be out on the trail again, but it was only for a short time. Remember when I said I wouldn’t have to wear the phancy phants again? Well, if I could read, I should have read the rest of the memo because I had to go and see the dogtor. It was nothing serious but it did mean that I had to rest for a couple of weeks. It is a good thing that I like dress up because resting meant I had to wear pyjamas and sometimes a silly ring around my neck.
I am still recuperating, wearing pyjamas and being an expert snoozer. But that is OK because I am almost ready to stretch my paws, explore the trails and continue with my training to be the bestest buppy I can be.
So, until next time. Bork, bork, awoo to my furiends and hoomans. Keep your kibble pouch full and your 4 on the floor.
Submitted by: Ross & Veronica Spenard