Awoo, woof and woof to all my furiends and hoomans. My raisers told me it was going to be a busy month. So I was prepared to put my best paw forward.
It all started with a puppy class that was at a super mahoosive mall called Metrotown. It was really busy with hoomans scurrying about and lots of new smells. Trainer Tracy kept us busy with riding the elevator, walking past the people, a visit, doing a go-in at the food court and working on our dog distraction. Let me woof out that I was a tired puppy after that class.
But it wasn’t all hard work. I’ve been visiting our favourite trail and getting lots of snoffle time. In fact, my raiser felt it was time to up my game so we started walking on the busier side of the trail. There are lots of new smells, lots of people and lots of dogs. My raisers are very proud of me as I keep my focus on them while we walk. I’ve even had the chance to say “Hi” to some hoomans and the occasional dog.
Something my raisers forgot to warn me about was that December involved lots of dressing up and putting a tree inside my house. One day PADS Freya, Fernie, released PADS Bonnie and I got dressed up and met a funny-looking fuzzy, green, furry hooman. He was nice so we sat for pictures with him. Another time PADS Freya and I got dressed up so our raisers could show off the tree in their house. And another day we put on our vests and went for a walk around some shops to look at the nice decorations, listened to some hoomans singing and rested our paws while our raisers warmed up with a hot drink. Lots of people told my raisers that we were such good and well-behaved puppies.
And poof! Just like that, December was over but not before I scored some really good treats that Santa Paws left for me. Now I know what the tree is for.
So furiends I hope Santa Paws left you good treatos. I wish you and your hoomans a Merry Woofmas. I’ll Bork out to you next year.
Submitted by: Ross Spenard