Awoo and woof to all my furiends and hoomans. I have been a busy puppy this month going to puppy classes and lots of outings. I went to the big food store again, but it was different. Normally, 1 of my raisers stays at my house while I go shopping. But this time both of my raisers took me. It was fun and different for me. But I kept my cool, and focused on her while we went up and down the aisles. My raiser was really happy because I stayed with her, and ignored my other raiser pushing the noisy cart and all of the hoomans that came close and wanted to pet me.
Another day my raisers took me to a big pet store and had me look for a special toy. There were lots of things for my super snoofer to snoof. But again, I kept my cool, stayed close to my raiser and focused on her. I wasn’t sure why we had to go to the store, but later I got to wear my party hat. I didn’t realize it, but I was shopping for PADS Freya’s birthday gift. Later we had a pawty and treats to help her celebrate her 5th birthday. As you all know, I like to go on walks. Well, I had borked out to my friend Benny about the great trail by the river. Benny woofed about it to his raisers and on Family Day they all came with me and PADS Freya to the river. We had a great walk and posed for a picture when we were finished.
I also had impawent training things to do too. I met up with some of my PADS puppies in training furiends and we practiced working around other doggos and hoomans. I had to work with a new hooman because my raiser was busy keeping us doggos and hoomans busy. We walked in circles around each other, we walked next to each other and towards each other. Sometimes we were sooooo close that we could have bopped noses. But we remembered our training and didn’t. Finally, we stopped all the walking – boy was I tired!
As puppies in training, there are special days for us doggos. I had 2 special days this month. The 1st special day was getting my vaccines. I was told these are impawent to keep me safe and healthy. The other special day was going to the PADS campus to see Jackie and do my GDBARTS. The GDBARTS helps the hoomans better understand what kind of puppy I am, and it helps my raisers train me. It doesn’t take lots of time, but for a young puppy, it makes us very tired. And for doing the GDBARTS after I was all done, I surprised my raisers. Now I am wearing my phancy phants again. Maybe that is why I was sooo tired…
Well, furiends it is time to curl up, have a good nap and dream of kibbles. Until next time – woof, awooo, zzzz…
Submitted by: Ross / Veronica Spenard