Awoo and woof to all my furiends. January was an impawent month for me. 12 months ago, I packed up all of my stuff. I left my pack, flew on a plane and I met the 2 nice hoomans who were going to be my raisers. When I met them, I was told it was my ‘gotcha day’. And that was 1 year ago. Woof! Where did the time go?
Let me tell you it has been a busy 1 year. My hoomans have been busy helping me master my cues, me make good decisions and letting me have fun growing up from a puppy to a dog. There has been lots of practice, practice, and patience to help me get the hang of good leash walking, enjoying my kennel for snoozels, and figuring out the difference between heel, here and side. I like to do things, so standing, sitting or laying still for a long time has been challenging for me. But recently, the kibbles have all connected, and I have got it figured out.
But enough of the old stuff. The tree inside of my house and all the nice lights and decorations outside were taken down. And just in time too. Awooo, it got really cold outside and not just at night. My hoomans were careful to make sure I dressed warmly when we went for walks. And when it got really, really cold, I only got to play in the back for short periods of time with PADS Freya, Fernie and Bonz. It was fun, and it got better. One morning, I woke up, and the yard was gone! Everything was white, and there was white, fluffy stuff falling from the sky. Now, I came to my raisers from Calgary, and as a young pup, I remembered the white stuff. I think I was told it was snow. But it was never this much! We had a blast chasing each other around the yard. But it was hard work because the snow was sooo deep I had to bounce up and down to go anywhere. My hoomans were careful to not let me stay out too long and hurt my paws.
Even though I am now a big dog, I am keeping up with my cues and training. After all, I promised that I would work hard and try to be the bestest puppy in training that I could be. So, I have been out and about working on being helpful to my hoomans by listening to my cues and ignoring people and dogs. It is tough being good, and remembering my cues, what they mean and what I am supposed to do when I hear them makes my brain work hard. And that is more tiring than all the running around in the snow. So, I am just going to lay my head down and rest for a moment. So zzzzzzz……
Submitted by: Ross Spenard