Awoo, awo, woof! For my hooman furiends, this means happy summer.
Warm weather is finally here, and I have been making the best of it with lots of trail walks, wading in the cool water and snoofing the trail smells. But like all things, my raiser is making sure that I keep up with my training, and cues and practicing good behaviour in public.
Normally, PADS Fernie gets to go to the big Costco store for groceries. But PADS Fernie needs to stay quiet and rest up for an upcoming special event. So instead I got to go. And I must woof out that I was a puppy rock star. I meandered around the aisles, stayed closed, focused on my raiser and ignored all the many people who looked and wanted to pet me. And with all the distractions, I even managed to do durations. My raiser was soo proud of me!
Another day, I went with my hoomans to not 1, 2 but 3 different stores. And then my hoomans had to stop and have something to eat. Me? I decided it was a good time to have a snoozle. I am learning you can never have enough snoozle time and to take advantage of every opportunity, regardless of where I am, to snoozle.
And to round out my month, I had the opportunity to put my best paw forward and strut my stuff for trainer Krista. I went for a long drive to the city and took my raiser to the big PetSmart store. I ignored the smells, walked beautifully with my raiser and well, just took things like a pro. Then we went across the hot parking lot to the Canadian Tire store. Again, I was great. But this time there were other doggos in the store. I kept my cool and ignored them and all the other distractions, even the humongous bear. Now I have seen and played with stuffies, but I have never seen a stuffie this large! Trainer Krista was certain I would see it. Why, because I see everything. And I did see it. In fact, I had to take a second look at it. But I didn’t let it ruffle my fur and kept my focus on my raiser and continued walking like a pro. Trainer Krista was really happy with me and told me to keep up with the training and good work.
So furiends and hoomans too. It is time to go and find a nice sunspot, work on my tan and shed some fur. Until next time, keep your kibble pouch full and your 4 on the floor. Woof, woof, bork.
Submitted by: Ross / Veronica Spenard