Woof, woof, awoo!!
Wow, another month of excitement and adventures – not. I finished off last month by having to wear my phancy phants. I still can’t wrap my puppy brain around me having to wear phants and really, really, really needing to have lots of snoozles? I was sleeping like 28 hours a day. Or so it seemed. The snoozles were great but unfortunately, they kept me indoors. And when I did get out, I had to stay on my leash and close to my hoomans. My raisers tried to keep me busy but I was having some issues with hearing their cues and doing the cues. Those snoozles kept getting in the way. But I am happy to woof out that I am finally out of my phancy phants and my hoomans have told me this was the last time I would have to wear them. I wonder why that is? Oh well, I’ll take it.
I was still able to do some dress-up. Apparently, this month had lots of days where I had to dress up. One was a green day and another day had a lot of colours and great smells in the air. My snoofler was working overtime. Not only was it working overtime, but I got to meet people. In the past when my hoomans have had other hoomans over I have gone and spent the day with a sitter. This time I was told that I would be staying home. I must admit that I was excited when the hoomans came into my house. But I kept my 4 on the floor, wiggled about, wagged my tail, snoofled them all and then I calmly wandered about the house. Every now and then I would visit with the hoomans and get some scritches. At dinner, my bed was in a different place but that was OK because I needed a snoozle. My raisers were very happy with me and gave me an extra kibble snack for being soooo good.
So my furiends that is it. While the phancy phants are gone I still feel the need to snoozle. So without further awoo, until next time, keep your kibble dry and 4 on the floor. I know there is a sunny spot by the door with my name on it…
Submitted by: Ross / Veronica Spenard