Awoo, awoo, bork and woof to all my furiends and hoomans. Well, I don’t know about you, but I am sooo confused. As a Lab, I am an expert shedder. So, should I shed more fur? Should I keep my fur or grow more? The weather has been changing so fast and often, that I can’t figure out if it is winter, spring, summer or sprinter? But, it is all ok with me because finally, after seeing the dogtor, my recuperation is done, and I can hit the trails again. This is a good thing because my raisers said I was going a little stir-crazy from being cooped up.

But you know my raisers. It is not all walks. I still need to keep working on my cues, durations and distractions. Speaking of distractions, on one of my last trail walks, I spied a stick. Normally, I am not interested in sticks. My hoomans have made it a point not to throw sticks for me to chase or chew. But I saw a different stick. I had to really concentrate and not get excited with this funny stick. It had a strange smell so, of course, I had to snoofle and got to practice my new “check it out” cue. Well, the stick moved all on its own!

Since my recuperation is over, I can go to the stores. My raisers always try to keep things interesting and different for me. Sometimes, it is working on a position duration when people are walking by. Sometimes, it is seeing if I can recognize and complete a cue in a new place, like doing a “go in”, under a counter at a store. Sometimes, it is doing a cue when there is another dog with me. As I woofed, my raisers tried to keep things interesting.

So furiends and hoomans. The sun is shining, and I need to make up for all those rainy days inside. So, it is off the patio for some me time. Until next time…

Submitted by: Ross / Veronica Spenard