My raisers spend a lot of time on their front porch in July. There are some shady spots and some sunny spots so we are all happy. They set up a gate to keep me safe and we spent a lot of time relaxing, barbecuing, and napping outdoors.
My cousin came to visit and we stayed outside to maintain physical distancing protocols. I also went on a grand adventure to Vancouver Island. My raisers as well as myself rode on a big ferry boat and I finally got to meet my grandparents – my short raiser’s raisers! We went to a river and my tall raiser went swimming. I got my feet wet but I was perfectly happy to keep my short raiser company on the shore where I sunned myself.
Recently I went for a big hike in the forest and it felt like we were the only ones there. My raisers and I continue to train inside most of the time where it is cool and only go outside to train in the mornings or early evening.
Submitted by: Meredith & Henrik