With COVID restrictions easing up a little here in BC, I have been able to wear my cape out in public again. But before we could go out and about my raisers insisted that I have a bath so that I would look extra purdy in my vest – the nerve!
It was good to go out “in uniform” again and show the world all the new skills I have been learning. We went to the hardware store and a few other small shops. I love meeting new people so my raisers have been working hard on my manners so that I am able to greet people with the proper respect – I mean I am a queen and all!

I also got to have 2 playdates this month. One with Advanced Dog PADS Winnie, who is super smart and so elegant. She let me rest near her after we had a good game of bitey-face. And the other with the very handsome PADS Dennis. We went for a walk in the woods. It was lovely to run around with such a super guy.
Submitted By: Meredith & Henrik