The month started off really well and went downhill in Antonio’s opinion. Auntie Summer came for a visit and taught him some more manners … why do all the visiting aunties feel the need to teach him manners? What can that mean? He loves her anyway. 

Then he went romping twice in Pacific Spirit Park with George and his many dogs … including Cheshire whom the mummas raised before Antonio. He quite approves of her, but she is so small that she only confirms his theory that the mummas don’t give anyone enough to eat.

Then alas, things turned quite sad. After an inauspicious morning with no breakfast or even water, he went to visit the vet, where he was doped and manhandled. No respect at all. When he came to, he was missing some crucial bitses and was wearing a most unusual outfit which he had to put up with for the next two weeks. No cape, no visits with friends, nothing exciting at all. No fun.

Submitted by: Clelie & Erin