Hi Everyone,
This sure has been a busy month for me! I had plenty of firsts and I was such a good boy during all of my new experiences.
First and foremost, July happens to mark my half-birthday as I just turned 6 months old!Β There were so many joyful moments this month (which I can’t wait to tell you about), but with all of the exciting times, also came one very tough goodbye.Β I have left my starter home and moved in with my new raisers who will take care of me until I graduate and move on to advanced training.Β It is always hard leaving a loved one, but I’m so happy that I can still see her at Thursday’s class each week!
This month, I got to turn a little bit cowboy and experience the famous Calgary Stampede for the first time! I was lucky enough to go with my new PADS friend, Merritt, who helped me learn how to socialize and behave in such a busy setting. My favourite part of the Stampede was watching the “giant dogs” (horses) trotting around in the stadium. I even got to see some up close, but I have to admit I was a little intimidated by how big they are!
My raisers also took me camping for the very first time this month. I had so much fun sniffing all of the different smells and was very good at staying close by when I had time to explore. With all of the smells, sounds and bugs, I worked on settling down despite the distractions. To keep the bugs away from me and give me an opportunity to rest, my raisers put me in a fun bug tent, which sure helped a lot.
I am having so much fun and doing lots of learning, too! With every day, I’m getting bigger and smarter. I hope you are all enjoying the summer as much as I am!
PADS Arctic
Submitted by: Jonah and Katie