
Hey there! Just wanted to share the latest adventures with Bee. She’s been a real trooper, tagging along with me to different places. We’ve been to car dealerships, pubs, and even a vet’s office for her vaccine update and exam. She did so well – I’m really proud of her!

Bee’s also been getting comfy at my workspace, with her own little space in my office. I’ve been taking her to meetings, and she’s been such a good girl, chilling in her kennel. I think she’s getting ready for a class in the fall!

We also had some boat adventures, from boat yards to power boats and even a night on a sailboat. She did her best Titanic impression, leaning on the boat’s edge – too bad I didn’t get a picture, she was adorable!

We’ve been working on her skills, and she’s improving every day. Tethering is getting easier, and she’s doing great with mealtime manners. And her leash walking is coming along – she just needs a bit more practice in distracting environments.

Overall, she’s a smart and confident dog, and it’s been such a joy to be a part of her journey. Can’t wait for more adventures with this sweet pup!

Submitted by: Nienke van Houten