
Bee has had an exciting month! She left her mom and siblings and moved in with us in early May when she was 9 weeks old. Bee is settling in very well and has had several great puppy adventures. She accompanied me to a work meeting, where my colleagues were very excited to have her in the room. She’s had a play date with her sister Ivy, had a few power boat rides, put her toes in the ocean, and discovered pinecones – it makes me feel bad to take them away, but it means we are learning “trade”. She has also visited a bubble tea shop and spent a day at school with one of her sitters. The sitters have enjoyed her company and describe her as energetic, intelligent, curious, and confident. She is excited to explore life.

Bee is very eager to learn. She is excelling in puppy kindergarten and has quickly adjusted to daytime kenneling. She loves chilling in her ex-pen and chewing on a Benebone. Otherwise, she’s very excited to receive attention at any moment and is highly food-motivated. Carrots and peanut butter are her favourite treats. She’s getting better every day with toilet training. She’s learned to respond to her name and loves to play perch. She’s getting the hang of loose leash walking, so long as there aren’t too many distractions. We are currently working on calm sitting by our feet. Overall, Bee is a fun, capable puppy who wants to work and learn. We are looking forward to helping her with her continued growth.

Submitted by: Nienke van Houten