Welcome, Benny! Three-month-old Benny came to our home in the middle of November and was greeted by Ky, a 15- month PADS pup. Benny became Ky’s little brother, learning the most important aspects of doggy life, including where the food comes home (the closet), how to earn treats (sit nicely, use your manners), discovering toys, and of course, playing. There was rarely a dull moment as the two boys chased and wrestled until they were exhausted. 

On his own, Benny is quite a character. He’s a busy and curious boy, chasing leaves, licking snow and chewing whatever he can find, like a well-worn shoe or slipper. 

Amongst all this fun and play, Benny has attended puppy classes. He picks up on commands and manners with ease. 

Benny is adorable and is off to a great start as a pup in training.

Submitted by: Marilyn Harris