Happy Canada Day! (photo)
Out & about at Save on Foods and Michael’s: Britton walks very well beside a cart and responds to “Go in” at the checkout. (photos)
We played tour guide for guests via transit: 49th Ave. bus to Canada Line to Sea Bus to Lonsdale Quay for lunch and return home via transit in reverse. Britton knows exactly where to “Go in” no matter which style of transit! (photos)
A major focus for July was trips (WITH BRITTON) to appointments: hairdresser for shampoo, cut, blow dry; podiatrist for feet; dental hygienist for ‘mock’ appointment (chair back & down, sounds of special tools). (photos)
Play with Charlie: during a visit, Britton & Charlie enjoyed a game of tug with Britton’s favourite toy. In the end, Britton let Charlie win because she’s a kind, considerate, willing-to-share pup.
Puppy swap between Britton & Wilma: before the swap, we all enjoyed a get-acquainted walk in nearby woods (the Japanese phrase ‘shenrin-yoku’ for forest bathing works for dogs as well as people). (photo)
Teeth brushing has become a regular, anticipated event: Britton waits while I brush my teeth, then comes into the bathroom to have her teeth brushed. (photos)
Duration progress: inside the house, 4 min sit, 3 min stand, 15 min down; in woods (3Ds), about 1 min for each when I was a short distance away, still in Britton’s sight line; during her sit, another dog ran past, but Britton remained in position!
It has been another superb month with Britton. I recall 3 – 3 – 3 and consider that July has been only the second month that Britton has been with us. She’s ahead of the report’s three-month comfort expectation in that Britton knows and is totally comfortable with our life routine. Turn-in day, August 14, will be a very sad day for us, but we know that Britton is VERY ready for Advanced Training and that she will graduate to become a wonderful service dog for a person in need. Good luck, Britton!!!!
Submitted by: Sandra