What a privilege to have the company of a PADS pup who has been through PADS extensive training and knows the ropes. Many thanks and credit for Britton’s PADS learning and life development goes to three couples and two individuals and her whelping home–all contributed to Britton’s development! Michael & I are the lucky raisers to be Britton’s “transition team” to help her review all previously learned behaviours/cues and to take her through a few months of classes to prepare her for Advanced Training to become a PADS Service Dog.
Britton came to us on May 16th, after she had enjoyed a weekend camping, swimming, and riding on a paddle board with an experienced PADS sitter. The 3 – 3 – 3 article was timely in that it had arrived a few days before, and we immediately adopted the first three days of writing for Britton: quiet & calm pervaded! It became clear quite quickly, however, that Britton felt comfortable, relaxed, and ‘at home’ with us. For example, very soon she figured out the rooms, where we were, and how to reach us using the most efficient route.
With Britton adapting to her new environment quite readily, we did take her on a few outings–not in large crowds, quite stress-free situations: quiet restaurants, a garden shop, to meet another family dog (Charlie), to The Chan for a VSO concert. (Photos). Britton appeared to be very comfortable. She definitely knows ‘Go in’ and often chose where to ‘go in’ even before I sat down myself!
Britton is showing excellent memory recovery during our periods of review–not necessarily official training periods, but just training as it occurs in the normal daily routine. Strengths are doors with wait/out protocol; go in; BG; loose leash walking incorporating slooooow/faster and side/heel and do nothing; chin; touch; bed; kennel. Areas that need just a bit more review/practise are IYC; default leave it; go sniff; roll. So far, we haven’t tried durations for sit, stand, and down, although Britton definitely knows each cue on its own.
Britton is recovering very well from spay surgery (May 25th). Many thanks to Burquitlam Animal Hospital, for fitting Britton with a “recovery suit,” which is far more comfortable to wear than a hard, plastic, cone. Photos show post-surgery, day 1, sleeping, and day 2, lying on her back, stretching! Now, almost a week later, she lies comfortably nearby without the suit.
“Britton is a people dog.” Both Michael & I made this comment–independently. Yes, and she’s mellow, wants to please, and wants to be with us/her people of the moment. Onward, Britton, to Advanced Training, but not too quickly, please. We want to enjoy your presence as long as possible!
Submitted by: Sandra