I think I like training and learning new things, but some are a bit harder to learn. Now that I am almost 4 months old, I might get a bigger kennel as mine is getting a bit small. I love meeting people and going on adventures. I am pretty smart if I do say so myself. This past week I learned 4 new things, and I did pretty well. I can’t tell you why the outside of my raiser’s house is so warm all of a sudden though. I think I like it better in the cool basement right now. This month I went to the Abbotsford Airport (outside only, I was too excited to go in), City Hall, a community center, a farm and Stanley Park. I went on many drives, and I like driving so much that I sometimes try to get up on the seat to look out the windows (my raiser doesn’t let me on the seat though).
Submitted by: Calista Galbraith-Hamilton