It’s been another full month of staying home with limited interactions with others, and no public access for Cana.  She came to work with me from time to time, but for the most part, we stayed home.

She has become fantastic at settling at home.  Training focus has been on having Cana offer behaviours.  She’s initially lured and then in time she starts to offer the behaviour.  A cue is then added afterwards.  She’s been very successful with this training.


She also had lots of outings where we met up for neighbourhood puppy play dates or early morning walks in Pacific Spirit Park while respecting physical distancing.  This has proven to be quite successful as she has primarily been interacting with older PADS dogs and they have all been teaching her appropriate play manners, so much so that she’s now passing these learnings on to her new young furrends.

Submitted By: Sarah Gallagher