Lilo in her vest, lying down looking at camera with her front paws crossed.

CELLO is such a sweet boy! He is spending lots of time playing with his new canine friends and is going on field trips to maintain his obedience and public access. He is spending lots of time supporting his sitter, who just lost a family member. He is great at letting her know that he is there for her by resting his chin on her shoulder while she is gardening or on her lap in the house.

  • Skills being learned: Maintaining obedience and public access manners.
  • Recent field trips: Lougheed Mall, Ikea, various schools around the Lower Mainland.
  • Possible behavior challenges: N/A
  • Potential career path: PTSD

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Cello!

Submitted by: Training Manager Margaret Hicks & Advanced Trainer Miranda Turenne