Lilo in her vest, lying down looking at camera with her front paws crossed.

CELLOโ€™S sweet face and super friendly demeanor brightens everyoneโ€™s day. Cello has made lots of new canine friends since being back in Vancouver. Some of his favorite buddies are Pride, Pepper and Miley. Cello continues to be a phenomenal cuddle buddy. He gives the best snuggles, especially if you are having a rough day and just need a hug. We are excited to get this beautiful matched up and out into the world, so he can start changing lives.

  • Skills being learned: Chin targeting, polite greetings, โ€˜my lapโ€™ย 
  • Recent field trips: Lougheed Mall, Costco,ย 
  • Possible behavior challenges: Will stop walking sometimes and needs motivation to get moving again
  • Potential career path: PTSD

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Cello!

Submitted By: Advanced Instructor Margaret Hicks & Advanced Trainer Miranda Turenne