May was my first month in my new home. There are so many new things so I’m always on the go.
It has been a learning experience for my raisers. Poor guys… I am their first PADS dog…. and me… I’m the poor guinea pig… ops … should I say guinea dog.
It is clear to me they are doing their best to try and teach me new things. More importantly, I can feel their love. I don’t know their names yet, but they all seem to be nice people as they spend a lot of time feeding me kibble by kibble.
I particularly enjoy the kids’ company…The girl is very dedicated, and her high pitch voice when she calls me “puppy, puppy, puppy” gets my attention. The boy is so caring, at times too much. He calls me “my lindo.” I have no idea what it means, but it feels good.
I had a close encounter with a galloping Golden retriever…. my raiser heroically saved me from the frantic dog. I felt calm in her arms… I really love her.
I visited the vet, where I met other dogs. One of them had a yellow vest on, just like me… he was huge. I was told he was 9 months old… I hope someday I will grow up as big as him.
Submitted by: Carlos