Champ II was ecstatic to burst through the gates on his first day at Puppy-U! He was very excited about getting food from new people and running around the yard. He met his bunkmate, Swift, who had been here for a while, and Swift was showing him the ropes (i.e. How to do the biggest puppy eyes to receive extra treats from volunteers). Champ has made fast friends with Dash and Gloucester, and they enjoy lounging together outside before their lunch break, basking in the sun. We took it easy over the last two weeks and didn’t do much besides basic obedience, settling time in the office and playing in the yard. Champ is a very excited boy eager to learn and show off to his classmates.
Champ loves to learn and proves it by staying close to his handler any time he can to poach treats off them on his excellent behavior. Champ is able to station flawlessly (so far, haha) while other dogs work, which we are so impressed with.
A quirk that we are working on is his alert barking. Being in a new space and considering that he is going through his transition phase, we’re supporting him through his big emotions when he hears something off in the distance or when he’s behind a barrier and sees other people. So far, we are working to make him feel comfortable and supporting him through his feelings. We will see as time goes on, but Champ shows that he is dedicated to the cause!
Champ has shown us how much love and care everyone has put into him being him. Champ is an upbeat fellow who is eager to please and always ready to go. Nice work all!
Thanks, everyone, for all your love and hard work with Champ!
Advanced training location: West Coast
Submitted by: Advanced Training Department