Playdates and classes and aunties, oh my. I’ve had a fun month. I’m up to 32 lbs and have learned lots of new things. I have two new kitty friends: one of them plays with me now. His name is Lio, but his sister Luna is still too scary, so sometimes I bark at her. And my neighbour Frankie-the-tiny has been sticking his head under my fence all month, but then we had a playdate, and now we are BFF.
I had my first in-person puppy class and delighted my mothers with how clever I am. I met my big brother York there and wrestled him a bit. He says he won, but I think I did. The in-person class was okay, but I like the Zoom classes better because I get to watch the other puppies do things and learn from them.
I took MummaE to the farmers’ market, where I charmed everyone, and I took MamaC to a restaurant, but it only served my regular kibble. I’ve also been to my first bookstore, which was okay for a while. But then we went into the storytime area, and I wanted to play with the stuffies. MamaC took me out and said the stuffies were only for kids, but I’m a kid. So I don’t think that was fair.
I had a playdate with Mom, PADS Devon and fun auntie PADS Jewel and visiting PADS Swift, and that was lots of running fun. I slept for two days after that. But the really BIG thing is that my auntie PAD Summer was on vacation from her big important AFD job and came to stay with me for a whole week. My mothers say she turned my brain on, but it’s been on all along. They think because I’m little, I don’t know stuff, but I do. I know not to eat the long slimy things that ooze along with the patio after the rain. Slugs are not tasty, and MamaC had to stick her hand down my throat and only found half of it.
Submitted By: Erin and Clelie