Hey guys, it’s me again for my quick monthly update, and I am pleased to confirm that I am still testing to potentially enter into the breeding program. My eyes are beautiful, my hips and elbows look pawfect, and my heart is healthy – so it’s looking good for me so far, but I was warned that this unique and special path could stop at any point if one of the tests isn’t conclusive or positive enough. And this means that despite one of my raisers being injured, we haven’t stopped training and socializing, and I have been keeping very busy in April.
I attended my very first Whitecaps Game at BC Place and Horse Grand Prix Competition at Thunderbird Show Park. I went back to the Vancouver Aquarium, visited the Fort Langley National Historic Site, and even met with Lewis Capaldi at UBC Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Center. I know…pretty intense, right. 😉 Well, this is just the socialization part of the month because as far as training goes, it has been even more intense. Maybe, it’s the fact that my kibbles are so tiny these days (so I have a lot more to indulge 😉), or that I work from home more or simply that we need to step up and push me further in my training, but we’ve been pushing. From working around crutches to finding the right position and going at the appropriate pace, to training on cues around food on the floor, my skills have for sure gotten better.
I am still the chilled puppy that I have always been, but I am also still the puppy that would jump as soon as I hear my handlers move and better yet, say the ‘dress’ word. Dress is the cue for ‘let’s go to work’, and I love working. It may be because I love being with someone all the time and fear to miss out, or perhaps, it’s just my desire to please and be helpful. Either way, I am enjoying being in the world, and I think the world loves me too 😊.
Spring is coming and I heard that May should be another fabulous month – one that includes going to the Science World, theatre, and a day in Squamish to experience the Sea to Sky Gondola…I am actually a little nervous just thinking about it. 😟 Have you been there? How is it? I know that the view is apparently magnificent, but how is the journey getting there?
Submitted by: Team Copper