I told ya’ last month that I was about to turn 1…well, I DID! and it was the best birthday EVER. I almost made it a weeklong celebration and included some time with my favorite sister, sharing a cupcake with a candle with my brother Dylan, having a party with my furry friend Lola and a lovely walk by the Coquitlam River. 

Good times sure, but I promise that this didn’t affect my work schedule. Summer is a busy month for outings and time by the water. I went paddle boarding, played on dikes, discovered coastal waves, and even sat by the pool waiting patiently for my person to do what she had to do. It’s been very interesting, and all I can say is that I don’t mind water. I can even put my full head in there if something is to be picked up at the bottom, but I am not your swimmer type and prefer to stay on the shore with water up to my paws. Nothing wrong with that, right lol? 

Summer also comes with wine & beer tasting, fruit picking, festivals, events, and even fundraisers. I have enjoyed music, breweries, art shows, and markets and actively participated in two PADS fundraisers. These allow for money to be put in the bank and help me and my other PADS pals to get to university, so the least I could do was to encourage friends & family to donate. 

I can feel that summer is slowly ending and I heard that I will spend half of next month in other homes. I don’t mind new adventures and working with other humans, so I am kinda excited. 

Submitted by: Team Copper