This has been the best summer ever! Well, I know I’m only 9 months old, so I’ve only had one summer – but I can’t imagine summer being any better! 

The weather’s been hot, and Cathy and Chris have been taking me to the beach a lot. Cathy says a good run on the beach at low tide is just what I need to burn off some of my puppy energy, so I’m more focused on our training sessions. If that’s what works, I say, “go with it!” 

And then there’s fishing! Personally, I don’t see the attraction. Slowly trolling around in circles all day, during which I pretty much sleep because there’s nothing else for me to do, is really boring. The one part I love is when Chris puts on some speed. Oh, all the amazing smells that go flying by. I could do that all day! 

Cathy has taken me to the mall quite a few times this past month. Believe it or not, she doesn’t do any shopping when we go to the mall together. While I’m trying hard to be extra good, and I do my best to ignore all the nice people and new sights, she says I’m not quite well-trained enough for her to take her eyes off me for a second. That will come. But, the mall has air conditioning – and we both appreciate that! 

One of the month’s highlights was being an ambassador for PADS (Pacific Assistance Dogs Society) at a “pet expo.” I got to show off how relaxed and well-behaved a puppy I am while Cathy answered questions from people who were interested in raising a puppy like me – or getting an assistance dog.

September looks like it’s going to be full of training, treats and new adventures. Bring it on!

Submitted by: Cathy Demers and Chris Wright