July was a blast for me and my puppy-raisers, Cathy and Chris. It all started with a camping trip!

Of course, for camping, one needs to stock up on groceries and Cathy said that since I’m 9 months old and have enough “keep my nose to myself” training under my collar, I was finally ready for my first trip to a big grocery store.

Oh la la…grocery stores have so many wonderful things – placed perfectly at nose level! Cathy made me wear a little gentle leader to help me refrain from tasting things. Which part of the store was my favorite? The meat counter of course!

Once at the lake it was time for some fun! I simply adore swimming but the entrance to the lake was unexpectedly steep – I had quite the time working up the courage to just jump in while Chris and Cathy cheered me on. My first jump was nose-first – no points for style – but I did it!

It may sound like my life is all fun and games – but actually, it really is! Even at our in-person puppy classes, it’s all about having fun while working hard and learning new skills. I had no idea how much fun it could be to follow an empty wheelchair around in circles – while keeping my tail out of the way.

Chris and Cathy like to go salmon fishing, which I personally find quite boring – so I’m perfectly content to snooze while they’re fishing. Chris says he’s amazed that I sleep right through even very rough weather. Cathy says that’s because I’m a very confident puppy and not much rattles me. The part I really like is relaxing on the dock with them after a day on the water.

I know one day I’ll graduate from puppy school, and go onto advanced training with a bunch of new people to help me learn my job – but in the meantime, while I’m working hard on the basics – life is a big puppy-party.

Enjoy YOUR summer!

Submitted by: Cathy and Chris