Hiya Everyone!
Birthday time. Yes, On April 1st, it was e my b-day. No April Fools here. It was torrential rain when I met up with all my siblings in Vancouver. All the raisers were there, and it was mucky, muddy and wet! We all loved it!!!!!! Sable II, Pinto, Mama Nala, Papa Cleat, Roan and Me. Pearl was not feeling the bestest, so she stayed home, we missed her, but her raisers came to say hi! Pal II was taking a well-deserved time out at home, but his raisers came to say hi too! Oh, and my auntie Muse was there for the party too. She and Mama Nala had a little adult fun, but we littles chased each other!
I had a few field trips to Whistler, a couple of malls, HomeSense, Home Depot, Costco and London Drugs. We get out every day to practice and, of course, sometime in the nearby forests.
I am struggling to focus on my cues. So we are keeping it slow to get the mechanics better and not confuse me! I have the bestest look when I am trying to figure things out.
I am excellent in my kennel at night & morning, but daytime kenneling is a skill I am working on for sure.
Bye for now!
Submitted by: Miss Cremello