Hi Everyone!
This is the start of my PADS journey, and I am super excited to meet everyone literally, anytime, and any place! My Momma is PADSNala and my Pappa is PADSCleat. My actual birthday was April 1, 2021 (no April fool here)!
I spent a little extra time staying with my Breeder Caretaker and my momma to nurse an eye infection before going to my puppy raisers. And oh boy! When I came home with my puppy raisers, PADSMuse was there! OMG, how lucky was I to spend time with my auntie. My puppy raisers also raised Muse, and they seem to be pretty cool. They do seem to go to many walkies, though, and I am doing my best to keep up. The little raiser scoops me up when I am feeling too tired. I loves it! And I spent some time with PADSNana, who adores me….of course!
Submitted by: Miss Cremello