Hiya Everyone!
We have been doing a lot of work on cape and experiencing a few new places. I do like to put my cape on and get to work. Often I like to sit at the top of our stairs to decide if I want to go for a walk. BUT if I see my cape, I run to the front door. Hmmmmm? Do I like to work? Or do I know there is kibble to follow? Time will tell. But I am EXCELLENT out and about in cape with loose leash walking. I have a gentle pace in the stores and take it all in.
This month I went to Costco, flower stores, malls, coffee shops, and grocery stores, with a couple of quick visits with a sitter and lots of forest exploring. I am working on recall around other dogs off-leash. My brain goes into overdrive with so much fun. I admit it’s something I really have to work on. I loves my raiser, but I have jumping beans in my internal system!! Focus on recall will be big in June. I am working on my side and heel to keep it consistent and tight to my raiser.
Bye for now!
Submitted by: Miss Cremello