Hi Everyone!
In the first week of October, I started to cough. Not a great start. My sitters took good care of me as Kennel cough makes you tired and want to cuddle, which they did every day! I am super thankful for them. I returned to my family once I stopped coughing and waited a week to ensure I was all healthy. My family was happy to see me. I was still super tired, and my Auntie Muse had hurt her leg. So guess what? We snuggled a lot, which is my favorite with her. I went on a few adventures with some grocery shopping and retail shops when I got home. It is super easy for me. Sometimes I sniff too much, but I am easily guided back to focus. There were a few fun playdates with a couple of PADS pups, and we chased each other in the forest. October with my sitters. I also went to another family dinner way out in Deep Cove.
Well, everyone, I am now moving into another adventure!! At the end of the month, I went to a new raiser until I make my way to Advanced Training in February 2023. It will be a new experience! And I am ready to take it all in.
Quote from my family: ” Cremello has been an absolute joy during her training with us. She marches to her own beat at times, which is calm and unhurried. There is no rushing this little one. Her “bed” cue is her favorite and settles perfectly in the house. We will miss her. Our VIP PADS Muse doggo is already looking for her to play. Muse is Cremellos Aunite, and Crenello enjoyed training with her mentor. Cremie, Creme and Mello are her nicknames. This little trooper has gone on several successful adventures to the Rocky Mountains, Tofino, ferry rides, Whistler adventures, forest hikes, plane rides, and many stores. This girl is going places. And it’s been such a privilege to train her and be in her presence. We love her and know she will melt any heart that meets her. She has such a calming presence (she can still be a fast hoppy bunny, too).”
Well, there you have it! I am loveable, super bright and making my way to becoming the bestest superhero as I continue my training.
Stay tuned to my new adventures in November.
Mucho Loves, Miss Cremello *ps I love my family too. There were the bestest!
Submitted by: Miss Cremello & Family