
DAEGAN enjoyed spending some time with a sitter in the last few weeks. He got a good mix of work and play, practicing his manner in a different environment with a more novel handler and getting lots of playtime with new dogs! He returned to Rob’s training campus refreshed and ready to continue learning. Daegan is working on building his retrieve repertoire and has started working on picking up and carrying more complicated items. This month, Daegan also got a new roommate. Sandy joined Rob’s string in late February and the boys hit it off and are now the best of friends!

  • Skills being learned: Retrieving items of varying difficulty with and without duration.
  • Recent field trips: Restaurants, malls, dog parks, various training field trips and field trips on the Mainland.
  • Possible behavior challenges: N/A
  • Advanced training location: Vancouver Island
  • Potential career path: Service

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Daegan!

Submitted by: Advanced Instructor Rob Mackay