Hi again, Dean here!
August was a busy month for me. I got to do all kinds of new things and saw new places.
It started with a trip to Costco. What a fun place with all kinds of good smells and lots of people. I wasn’t allowed to play with all the people, but I sure had fun looking.
I got to go to the hospital with my poppa. He had to have an X-ray, and I got to sit with him while he waited to go into the x-ray room. My poppa loves me, and I love him….. I saw all kinds of people that my hooman knew and they all thought I was a good boy!
I also went with my hooman to get her hair cut. I watched to make sure the lady cut her hair properly! I sat the whole time and watched quietly.
My hoomans went on a vacation, and I got to go to a sitter. Her name is Laura, and I had such a good time at her house. My sister came over one day to play with me. I hadn’t seen her for a long time, so we had a good play together.
When my hooman’s came home, we had to go and pick up Dexter. We went on a BC Ferry. I liked the cafeteria, but I didn’t really like the upper deck cause it was so windy. We had to go on a small boat to get to the Island (Thormanby). I got to play at the beach there, and I got to meet my aunties alpacas. She has 5 of them. You have to be careful of the alpaca’s cause they spit, and they kicked Dexter. I was really careful and just watched from the deck.
I am a good boy and did my “walk and talk” with Jackie and Heather. I think I did really well cause I didn’t mind all the noise and surfaces I had to walk on. I can hardly wait to see them again!
I sleep anywhere when I am tired and love to sleep on my back.
I think I will have a nap now and will chat again next month!
Signing off,
Submitted by: Karen Mayo