I got to go to lots of places this month. I went to see Santa, but he was busy! I went to the mall several times and was a pretty good boy. I still like to sniff a lot, but I am getting better in the stores! I really like Costco cause there are so many good smells in there and lots of people that smile at me.
I don’t really like the snow and cold, as I have to put on these awful boots that take me a while to get used to. They keep my feet warm and dry, but they don’t match my coat!
I love Christmas! Although I had to wear this silly hat and scarf. No one laughed at me except Dexter, my friend. (at least, I thought he was)
I am not sure what the new year will bring, but I think I will go to Advanced training soon. I will miss my hoomans……
Submitted by: Karen