November was a very exciting time for Dean. His puppy raisers headed south for sunshine and golf, leaving Dean behind in rainy Vancouver with puppy sitters Shelley and Wes. Not only was Dean with new people, but he was the only dog in the house as his companion pet dog Dexter was with a different sitter. Dean got to explore lots of new trails with interesting smells. He also took his first Skytrain ride and rode in a glass elevator. The Skytrain was very scary for him, so that is something to work on for the future. Dean took home a new braided, fleece toy which he loves to pieces.
Note: Donna & Tom Short puppy sat Dean for one day and a two-day overnight visit. They live in North Burnaby, and they have sat over 60 Pads dogs!! They are currently sitting PADS Edith for a few days.
Dean was busy when he returned home. He got to go back to Amica to visit and back to Costco, which was really busy. He also attended a very noisy Vaccination Clinic!
Submitted by: Shelley & Karen