August was a fun month for me. Because it was summer, we didn’t have as many classes but I sure had a lot of adventures. At the very beginning of the month, I got to be in the Vancouver Pride Parade! It was so exciting and my human made me very handsome, rainbow bow-tie, collar, and leash so that I could show my puppy pride. Also, because the weather was really nice a lot, I got to go on really fun outings to parks and walks around town. I went to a place called a doctor’s office where I sat very quietly and was very patient so I’m not sure why the human was called the patient! I also got to go to the PNE which was very loud and busy, with lots of lights, sounds, and all sorts of strange animals. None of them were more interesting to me than all my PADS friends though. Even though I had lots of fun adventures, I’m still working hard on my skills every day. With September coming, it’ll be back to classes as usual.

Submitted By: Tessa Matsuzaki