What a whirlwind month of May it was! It started in Vancouver with my raisers and ended with my new temporary family in North Vancouver while my raisers went on something called a vacation. Truthfully, I was a bit nervous because this was my first time away from my raisers. However, I had a chance to meet my sitters just over a week before staying with them, and they seemed like a pretty fun family of four. They live in a big house and have a backyard full of squirrels, birds, and little flying things called insects that I loved to chase. From that visit, I knew I’d have a good time going to school and soccer games with the kids when I stayed with them at the end of the month! You’ll see a picture of me lounging on a luxurious bed they let me lay on during my stay πŸ™‚Β 

Submitted by:Β Darrel & Emily Fung