Duchess has been exposed to various sporting events over the last little while, including an epic hockey game. At the Canucks game, she kept her cool and was unfazed by the crowd and the sounds. In the end, the people around us remarked that they hadn’t even realized a dog had been under my seat. She is certainly settling in public well, even on bleachers!
We have also been doing lots of outings and training around squeaky things (really small animals and babies) to help her in this area, as she just wants to play and be friends. She also mastered coming along to the gym with us and chilling while we did our workouts. Her cues are coming along well, and in January, she mastered the cue “roll” to help with grooming.
Duchess continues to be the sweetest dog that is game for any cuddles, and we cannot wait to see what February has in store for us and her growth journey.
Submitted by: Ryleigh Jacobs & Caleb Vanderleek