Our gangly goose is transitioning into a strong, BIG and beautiful young lady right before our eyes. We have been working mostly on socialization and a few of the basic cues to work on form with Duchess. We have been so impressed with her growth this past month as she is cultivating independence and resilience in new situations. She had many different field trips, including malls and public transit, which was a bit scary at first. She is also getting to the point at school where she can settle, and students can pet her/cuddle her. But, out of all the adventures, we could tell she loved the off-leash romps in the forest with PADS Bruni.
Lastly, this month was special for Duchess as she headed to a sitter for a week. This was a good, new situation that provided her with many experiences, including living in a new space/neighbourhood and sharing this with a non-PADS dog.
Submitted by: Ryleigh Jacobs & Caleb Vanderleek