September means back to school, and I took the kids on day 1. They were very excited to go and woke me up early. A school is a noisy place at drop-off with cars and busses and chatting kids. In the mornings, I sometimes walk around and have to ignore all the distractions, which can be difficult. I was allowed to go in once but usually have to stay outside. There is lots to learn, and most of my training is indoors or outside on leash. In the garden, I have been told many, many times not to touch the apple tree and take the fruit off, and when I’m well behaved, then I sometimes get to eat an apple that’s handed to me. The grapes on the vines are just out of reach, and so that’s not a temptation. What is impossible to ignore are the grapes that fall off the vines. The crows eat most, but sometimes I find one hidden in the grass, and oh, they’re delicious. One big problem is that the bees eat the grapes, and I have been stung twice. Once on the foot and once on the nose, and that hurt. My outings are usually local walks and pop-ins to the shops. I like to walk slowly and am never really in a rush. A big treat was an off-leash, short hike with another PADS dog. That was fun, and I had a big nap afterwards. My Aunty Simone visited for a few days too, and she tolerated my neck chewing games very well.
Submitted by: Jo Brand