Eowyn has had a busy December! She’s spent time with a few different sitters, but the majority of the month was with me in Chilliwack and on vacation in Alberta. For so much movement between sitters and out of routine, she’s been such a resilient and sweet girl!
Leading up to the Christmas break, Eowyn visited my middle/high school classroom, learning to ignore all of the loud kiddos, taking school bus rides, and practicing dog distraction with PADS Duchess, PADS AFD Bruni, and PADS Nana. She quickly stole my students’ hearts, especially while she participated in Christmas Theme Week!
Once the holidays started, we hit the road and drove to visit family in northern Alberta. She’s had lots of indoor time with all the cold temperatures, but when it gets warm enough, Eowyn LOVES to pounce in the snow!
Eowyn is growing in her cues and settling into new and exciting environments. She is a pro at sleeping in public places and walking through stores and offices!
She’s had a busy month and has taken all of the newnesses in stride! Great job, little girl!
Submitted by: Fiona Meagher