I’ve been busy in April making people smile and helping them de-stress at lots of puppy de-stress events, including Columbia College and Vancouver Career College.

I was also a crowd pleaser puppy host at a PADS fundraiser event, BC Distilled.

I have been on a lot of sleepovers this month and spending time with different sitters, raisers, and older PADS dogs who are further along in their training has been a great learning opportunity.

When I’m not in vest, I love playing with my PADS puppy friends at off leash parks and trails. I’m a regular at Mundy Park off leash on the weekends and has been doing very well with my recall.Β  I am still working on being a good student in puppy class and not getting overly excited or distracted when I see other dogs and people. Β I’ve been working the commands DOWN, ROLL and CHIN, in addition to improving my loose leash walking.Β  I’m learning the difference between play time and training time.Β  I continue to have an excellent off switch when I accompany one of my co-raisers to work (I’m the only one in the office who gets to nap on the job!) and I make an excellent shopping buddy and coffee date!

Submitted By: Karen Mok & Angela Smith